Family Law Services
Consult with an Experienced Family Law Attorney
The Law Offices of David L. Martin, Esq., P.C. is a family law firm that practices in both Nassau & Queens Counties, New York, that can help you and your family with your family law needs. Our family law attorneys can assist you with navigating the legal questions that can arise in the Family Court. Issues include custody, child support, neglect, juvenile delinquency, parenting time, relocation, order of protection, etc. Now might be the time to consult with a family law attorney. The Law Offices of David L. Martin, Esq., P.C. can help you navigate the legal issues that can arise when you find yourself in Family Court. Contact our Law Firm today to talk to a knowledgeable attorney.
Prenuptial Agreements: Nassau or Queens County
A prenuptial agreement is a contract entered into by the parties before marriage. The purpose of such an agreement is to specify the separate property that each party is bringing into the marriage and to make a plan for the retention of the separate property in the event of divorce or separation. The agreement can also plan for the division of any type of property acquired during the marriage. If you are planning to get married in Nassau County, New York, consider speaking to an attorney at the Law Offices of David L. Martin, Esq., P.C. Prenuptial agreements are no longer just for the wealthy. If you are getting married later in life, own property, have a child from a prior marriage, own your own business, or just have questions about the impact that getting married might have on your financial life, our attorney can help.
Grandparents' Rights
Grandparents' rights refer to the legal rights that grandparents may have in relation to their grandchildren. However, in certain circumstances, grandparents can petition the court for visitation or even custody. Below are some general aspects of grandparents' rights:
Visitation Rights: Grandparents can petition the court for visitation rights with their grandchildren, especially if they have had a significant role in the child's upbringing or if there's a significant bond between the grandparent and the grandchild
Custody: In more extreme situations, such as when the parents are deemed unfit due to issues like substance abuse, mental illness, or incarceration, grandparents may seek and be granted custody of the grandchild
Best Interests of the Child: The "best interests of the child" standard is paramount when determining issues related to custody and visitation. Courts will consider factors such as the child's age, health, emotional ties, and the capacity of the parents or grandparents to provide a stable environment
Parental Rights: The rights of parents are typically given precedence over the rights of grandparents. Courts often believe that a fit parent should be allowed to make decisions regarding who their child interacts with, including grandparents.
Mediation: In some cases, families might be advised to go through mediation before heading to court. This can be a less adversarial way to resolve disputes related to grandparents' rights.
Termination of Grandparents' Rights: Just as grandparents can be granted rights, these rights can also be terminated if it's found that the relationship is harmful to the child or if the grandparents are deemed unfit.
If you're considering seeking rights as a grandparent or you're facing a legal challenge from a grandparent, it's essential to consult with an attorney who specializes in family law within your specific jurisdiction. They will be able to advise you based on the laws and precedents in your area. Contact the Law offices of David L. Martin, Esq. P.C.
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Neglect of a child involves failure to exercise a minimum degree of care in providing the child with adequate food, clothing, shelter, education, or personal security. It can also result from abandonment or inadequate supervision of the child. Parents or guardians who have petitions served against them for child neglect need legal representation. An experienced attorney will present a defense for the parent or guardian, as well as request permanent or temporary custody of their child if the child has already been removed from the residence. Contact the Law Offices of David L. Martin, Esq., P.C. If you are facing neglect charges, please contact us today. If your spouse/partner has neglected your children and you are seeking sole custody, our attorneys can also help you navigate the system to protect your children’s best interests.
Child abuse occurs when a person legally responsible for a child inflicts physical injury, creates a substantial risk of serious physical injury, or commits an act of sexual abuse against the child, or allows someone else to do these things to the child. A parent or guardian who is accused of child abuse needs to be represented by an experienced family lawyer who will prepare a defense for the party. There may also be criminal charges involved where allegations of abuse are made. The Law Offices of David L. Martin, Esq., P.C. is made up of experienced attorneys who can help individuals facing these serious charges navigate the system. Furthermore, if your spouse/partner has abused you or your children, our attorneys may also be able to help you take steps to protect yourself and your children through the domestic violence courts.
Adoption creates a legal relationship between parent and child. Once the adoption is final, the adoptive parent has all of the rights and responsibilities that a birth parent would have for that child. There are also additional issues if a biological parent is giving up parental rights as to the appropriateness of allowing the new prospective parent to adopt. To begin the legal process of adoption, the adoptive parent(s) must file an adoption petition with the Court. It is highly recommended that adoptive parents hire an attorney to prepare the petition, as well as any necessary supporting paperwork, and to file the petition on behalf of the adoptive parents. The Law Offices of David L. Martin, Esq., P.C. are adoption attorneys who can assist you with the adoption process.